8:30-9:45 Morning Meeting8:45-9:00 Whole Class Intervention
9:00-9:40 Whole Group Reading
9:40-9:55 Recess
10:05-11:15 Small Group Reading
11:20-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:00 Recess
12:10-12:40 Math
12:40-1:00 Tornado Time
1:05-11:55 Specials
1:55-2:10 Recess
2:15-2:30 Snack/Read Aloud
2:30-3:15 Science & Social Studies
3:15-3:25 Clean up & Dismissal
Classroom Rules:
1. Be Safe!I can make safe choices with my hands, body, and words.
I can be listen to my teacher.
I can use walking feet at all times.
I can use and take care of my supplies appropriately.
2. Be Kind!
I can share with others and take turns.
I can use my manners.
I can be a helpful, respectful, and caring to myself and others.
I can take care of my school and those in my community.
3. Be Ready!
I can take care of my body, mind, and soul.
I can raise my hand and participate in class.
I can follow directions quickly.
I can be positive and be ready to do my best each day.
Classroom Management:
In our classroom, we use a positive clip chart system. Students may clip up as they make above and beyond choices in our classroom. Every time students clip to the top, they receive a special gem. Gems are cashed in for a special lunch and treat in the classroom once a month. Each day students will put their names into a bucket. At the end of the week names are drawn to sit at our VIP table or for a special coupon.If a student is asked to clip down, students will have a conversation about their actions and consequences if appropriate. Other major events may be handled by Mr. Anderson and be given a Fix It Ticket. At the end of each month we celebrate our hard work and for following the three rules. If a student as a Fix It Ticket, they must fix or correct their actions before they may participate in these end of the month celebrations.
Before and After School:
Students are allowed in the building no earlier than 7:30 unless they are dropped off by bus. We do have a breakfast program available to all students. School will dismiss at 3:20. Please do not wait inside the building but meet your student in their zone. Students should be picked up on the curb side and not cross traffic. Please always use our cross walk when possible. If your interested in utilizing our after school program, known as ETA or Elementary Tornado Academy, please see Lynn Redenbaugh at 712-732-8074 or Please utilize our early dismissal and no school dates for appointments or travel. Please make sure your student knows his or her plan everyday. If these plans change, please notify the office or send a note.Saddlebags and Reading Logs:
Each Monday students will bring home a saddlebag with work from the week as well as information about upcoming events. Please check these items, return items as requested, and sign the outside. A reading log will also come home each month. Please record how long and what your student is reading. Return these at the end of the month for a special reward!
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